Rick Blaze's Home Page

Greetings, salutations and good fortune to you and yours. I am now at a new web hosting site that provided a lot more storage rooom then I've ever experienced previously. This means I can place many, many more family photos and web pages to provide on-line enjoyment (or boredom) to those who wish to bear witness to some of the moments in my life and my family.
I am hoping to make good use of this extra space so I can fearlessly display
all of my indiosyncracies for better or worse. Sorry about the worse part
and the worser is yet to come.
I have put back access to old webpages (e.g. wedding), some
recent family pictures and some of the business webpages I've done for friends
and lovers (e.g. my wife). I may make an exception of adding
links to pages I find interesting.
What's New?
My wife and I did a recent return trip to Las Vegas to attend our daughter's wedding renewal. This was her first visit to "the strip" and we brought her three children and their friend Shay. We all had a good time and the pictures show us exploring and having fun.
Georgiann and I made a return trip to Costa Rica down to Playa Zancudo again for our 10th anniversary. We attended a blues concert during that time headlined by Taj Mahal and we partied until it hurt. And then we partied some more. We also visited a tropical orchid garden and went snorkeling.
We have a new photo scanner that may allow me to make photos available that were not in digital form previously. Someday soon I will add these to this web page. And finally I will be making some recordings and photos of my previous bands available when time allows. The recordings will show that the music wasn't always great, but it was still Rock'n'Roll to me.
This website last updated 02/19/07
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