Georgiann and Rick's pictures of our
Y2K Costa Rica Adventure!

These five pictures focus on our nightly routine at the Playa Zancudo bar. Basically, after a brutal day of relaxing in the hammocks, we'd shuffle over the the best watering-hole in all of Zancudo - which happened to be at our resort. When we were sufficiently "in the zone", we'd then shuffle the fifty feet over to the beach to watch the sunset. We'd gaze and glaze and compliment God and nature on the spectacular show. After the sunset, we'd sigh and then it's back to the bar for dinner and more "zone". Tough life.
At the bar in the second shot from the right: C.W., George, myself, Dad, and Harold (a Denver realtor we met there).

(click on any picture to see it larger)

George walks the short path from our cabina to the Zancudo bar

The infamous Zancudo bar with assorted oddballs thinkin' about seeing the sunset

Oddballs awaiting the Zancudo sunset from the palm-leaf shelter

Golden rays from the sunset and warm beer from the bar mellow us out

After the sunset it's back to the bar with more oddballs characters

This the 2nd set of 6 sets of pictures - (click on NEXT to see the next set)
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