Fake followers won’t interact with your brand’s social media posts. So, they cause lower engagement, lower rankings in the news feeds, and lower conversions for your brand. Worse, in a paid Facebook media marketing case study by Veritasium, fake profiles were found to act like a human, in order to
The Friendly GreetingThe Sincere ComplimentThe Added ValueThe Parting Promise The first thing I look for is personalization. This is so easy, all it takes is to just include the name of the author. Scroll back to the top of the post and find the author’s name. If you are prone
Without a gravatar, you’re a faceless name in the crowd. You wouldn’t show up to a first date wearing a disguise, would you? Or wearing a plain paper bag over your head? So why would you choose an image of Grumpy Cat or Ron Burgundy to represent you in blog
He was a heave-hoe kind of guy. No one has more desireable wings. She knew what she wanted and she just couldn’t wait.
First, I wanted to thank you all for your patience. I know it’s been awhile since I posted anything on the book front, and there have been a lot of questions about when my next book will be coming out. The short answer is that I’ve just started writing a